Thursday, January 22, 2009

So, how about this weather! I guess we better enjoy it quickly, a weekend is coming and that means COLD and lots of wind. Yesterday, I felt like I should be out in shirtsleeves. The warmup did help the fishing this week. I heard several reports of jumbo perch in 27-29 feet out along Perch Parkway. In fact, one person caught 20 jumbo perch in 90 minutes one day. The walleye action picked up a little in the warmer weather also. I heard of several big walleyes caught this week, and believe it or not, I caught a 26 incher and Sam had one straighten his hook out in one of our rentals this week.

We did open the new deeper road off the south end of Lake Street. It starts at about 27 feet and goes out to 33 feet now, but we are going to open it out further, hopefully today. I put several rentals out on it so we will see what happens. It should be good for perch and, I think walleyes will also be out there as well. We opened several driveways off the south side of the new road for portables and wheel houses so you can get off the road and fish. The banks are so high that I do not think we will put private houses off the south side, but there is plenty of room off the north side.

On another note, there is just a lot of snow this year. Our banks are very high along the roads.
While we have not seen the slush that other people are talking about, the water will come up some when you open your holes, so check your blocking. You probably will have to go up some. If you are fishing in a portable, get well off the roads and away from any houses before you drill holes. Another good idea is to remove the snow from both ends of your house to let the water freeze when you go home.

The snow has been a blessing for snowmobilers and the riding is great so dust off the old sled and bring it along. You may just remember how much fun it is.

See you soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Fishing this weekend was kind of a mixed bag. In general, it was a slower weekend of fishing. The shallow rocks are starting to do the mid-January slowdown. We are still seeing some bigger walleyes off the rocks in a little deeper water (23-27 feet), but the shallow top of reef fishing was slower. I look for this trend to continue as the season moves on.

People out on Perch Parkway had some success on both walleyes and perch, but this weeekend was a little slower there as well. There are still more small perch around than big ones, but I think this will only get better as the season rolls on. Some people were picking up some nice perch with the little ones, but it is not great numbers yet. This deeper fishing will improve in the 25-29 foot range soon.

The ice continues to be good. You get a little water up when you drill holes because of the weight of the snow, but it is not anything unusual. The problem with the east and south road banks is getting better and with the bitter cold coming this week, it should be gone soon.

We plowed driveways off our roads so daily drive ons including wheel houses can get off the roads to fish. We charge $15 per day or $40 for Fri-Sun for wheel houses and you have to leave a driver's license with us to ensure the house leaves with you, but for that we give you a plowed driveway at no additional charge.

We will be opening a new road to deeper water this week south of perch parkway. Depths should run from approx. 27-32 feet.

See you soon!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well I am finally able to post updates. A lot of the delay was caused by my web site host, but I have to admit that it has been done for a couple of weeks. Between pulling houses and the 2 week holiday period, we were extremely busy and this was what suffered.

We started pulling houses on Dec. 20 and now have most of the houses out, including all of my rentals. The ice has come as fast as I have seen it in many years. We have 16-18 inches of ice and it will not be long before we will need extensions. The roads are in good shape except where we have plowed the snow to the east and south sides of the roads. Those edges have in some spots cracked the ice under the banks and the banks are slowly sinking. You need to be careful going through an existing bank.

Since this was as early as we have been out in years, many people have chosen to stay shallow along Agate Bay reef and the walleye action has been fairly steady in the mornings and evenings. It is not like some of the really good years, but it certainly is better than last year. You can tell that we are getting some of the huge perch hatches eaten up. The fishing should only get better from now on for a few years.

The perch have not really gotten going yet. They are catching some small ones out deeper and are getting a few bigger ones mixed in, but the best is still to come for them also. I think when the weather settles down for a few days and we get some stable weather and it warms up some, the perch will turn on.

Our rental houses are out and the people have been having some luck in them. We started out in shallower water along Agate Reef also, but we have moved most of them to intermediate depthes of 23-27 feet. Most of them have just been moved so I can not tell you what they are catching, but after this weekend I will have a better idea of how well we did. We still have a few openings for this weekend so if you want to fish some fresh holes, give us a call.

I guess thats all for now. We have not opened a road to Blue Jug Flat yet, but if it ever stops snowing long enough, we still intend to plow one. If you enjoy ice fishing, this is a year for you. We got out early, the ice is as good as I have seen it in years, and they are getting some fish, so come up and have FUN!!!

Dean and Renee Hanson